
A year after the Saffron Revolution, crackdown in Burma continues

One year ago, thousands of Burmese people took to the streets in nationwide protests against the military regime in Burma. The military government responded with a brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters, opening fire on unarmed civilians, arresting thousands, and has been persecuting all citizens peacefully expressing their rights until today.

On the 1st anniversary of the Saffron Revolution, the Members of Parliaments from the European states express their deep concern regarding the perpetual severe human rights violations in Burma and express strong support to all Burmese citizens who struggle under the brutality of the military regime of Burma.

The year-long aftermath of the Saffron Revolution is alarming. The number of political prisoners has almost doubled to 2130 since last year. This includes 206 Buddhist monks and nuns, and 173 women activists. Only two weeks ago, Ms. Nilar Thein, member of the opposition 88 Student Generation Group and one of the leaders of the Saffron Revolution, was arrested after more than a year in hiding.

The international community strongly urges Burmese military government to : 
-  release immediately all political prisoners, including Ms. Nilar Thein and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
- take part in the tripartite dialogue with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, all concerned parties and ethnic representatives facilitated by the United Nations without any further delay.

Recalling the United Nations Security Council Presidential Statement of October 11, 2007, demanding the release of all political prisoners in Burma, we strongly call upon the UN Security Council and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to take all necessary measures to achieve their release and to promote democratic change in Burma. The release of all political prisoners must be minimum benchmark for progress when the secretary general visits Burma in December.

John Bercow, Member of Parliament, Great Britain
On behalf of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Democracy in Burma in the British Parliament

Petr Bratsky, Member of Parliament, Czech Republic
On behalf of the Parliamentary Group on Supporting Democracy in Burma in the Czech Parliament

Simon Coveney, Member of Parliament, Ireland

Carmen Garcia, Member of Parliament, Spain

Glenys Kinnock, Member of European Parliament for Wales in the UK

Silver Meikar, Member of Parliament, Estonia
On behalf of the Burma Support Group in the Estonian Parliament

Laszlo Nagy, Member of Parliament, Slovakia

Zbygniew Romaszewski, Member of Parliament, Poland

Renate Weber, Member of the European Parliament, Romania

The European Parliamentary Caucus on Burma was founded in June 2008 to raise awareness of Burma in Europe and promote human rights and democracy in Burma. So far there are members form 8 European countries: Czech Republic, Estonia, Great Britain, Ireland, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.
Administrative support for the European Parliamentary Caucus on Burma is being provided by Burma Campaign UK and People In Need in the Czech Republic. For more information, contact Zoya Phan at Burma Campaign UK on 07738630139, or Marie Zahradníková on +420 739 220 248.

Programme Officer
Burma Projects, Human Rights and Democracy
People in Need, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 226 200 455
Fax: +420 226 200 401
Cell: +420 739 220 248