
Award for Ukrainian Independent Media

Ukrainian Independent Media supported by International Renaissance Foundation (OSI Network) gained recognition of the European media community

At the beginning of February, Andriy Shevchenko, an editor-in-chief of the 5th TV Channel, became the first Ukrainian journalist ever awarded a Freedom of Speech Premium for the film "Face of Protest", supported by IRF.

The award is annually conferred by an Austrian office "Reporters without Boarders", a leading international organization engaged in the monitoring of freedom of speech situation.

The Premium is called "Signal for Europe" and is primarely designated for journalists from the countries of Eastern Europe. It is granted to Shevchenko for contributing to the development of a freedom of speech, unprejudiced journalism and journalist investigations.

Artem Kolesnyk
PR Manager
International Renaissance Foundation
Kyiv, Ukraine
phone/fax: (044) 216 24 74