
Belarusian Diaspora gathered in Estonia

With support from OEF, the first congress of new Belarusian Diaspora of Europe and the USA was held in Tallinn, bringing together representatives of Belarusian democratic forces. The meeting drew participants from Belarus, the United States, Estonia, Lithuania, Sweden, Poland, Germany, and France, most of them aged 20 to 35. At the same time, the group was diverse in terms of political and professional background, including members of different political initiatives, NGOs, journalists, businesspeople, public sector representatives, and artists.

Following the event, Belarusian KGB began  cyber attaks on the server of 3rd Way Belarus, who was one of the main organisers of the event. An addition, Belarusian TV aired a special negative report about the meeting with negative comments from Belarusian consul in Estonia and pro-Lukashenko diaspora leader Savinova.