
Belarusian students in Estonia declared support to Georgia

Participants of the summer school for Belarusian students studying in Estonia made a joint declaration in support of Georgia today. "Russia's decision to recognise the independence of the breakaway Georgian regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia poses a direct threat to all the countries that have common borders with Russia, including Belarus and Estonia, endangers their independence and territorial integrity," students claimed.

"We are against the developments that force the citizens of Georgia and other former Soviet Union countries to be the prisoners of Russia's internal and foreign politics. We express our support and solidarity with Georgian people in this difficult time and our condolences go to the families of victims of war in both the Georgian and South Ossetian side. We hope that with help from international organizations the conflict will be solved as quickly as possible," stated the declaration.

The summer school held in Laulasmaa from August 25 to 27 brought together students who have been expelled from Belarusian universities because of political reasons and are continuing their studies in Estonia. In addition, representatives of Belarusian NGOs, such as activists from the international NGO 3rd Way, participated in the school.

The program of Belarusian students in Estonia is supported by Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Open Estonia Foundation.

Additional information:

Ihar Sluchak
Belarusian student
Phone +372 583 05 911

Kelly Grossthal
Open Estonia Foundation
Phone +372 533 12 300