
Dutch Presidency disappoints social NGOs

The Platform of European Social NGOs has given a damning judgment on the Dutch achievements on social policy. The platform says that the

Presidency has done "more to worsen EU social policies than follow its own slogan 'Let’s Deliver!' on a social Europe".

The Commission aims to set a new social policy agenda in 2005. The
Dutch Presidency's main social ambition during its presidency was to
engage the other member states in a dialogue about the possible contents
and provide the basis for this new agenda. The conference " A Social
Europe: Let’s Deliver", the Presidency’s main event on social policy, was
meant to play a key role in defining the new agenda over the coming years.

The Dutch Presidency's own records on employment and social policies
emphasise that, under its leadership, "the EU has outlined the new agenda
so as to give priority to helping people find work and to making labour
markets more flexible". The Presidency's records also highlight agreements
reached "on the directive on the equal treatment of men and women by
insurance companies in respect of premiums and payments" and "on the
directive protecting employees against the harmful effects of radiation".

Luxembourg has said that it will focus on all three dimensions of the
Lisbon strategy: competitiveness and economic growth, social cohesion and
sustainable development. The Social Platform has layed down its expections
on the Luxembourg Presidency and defined " nine tests to judge the
Luxembourg Presidency on its social commitment".