
Estonian President to Meet George Soros in NYC

TALLINN, September 19 - Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves is scheduled to fly to New York on Thursday to attend the 62nd session of the United Nations General Assembly.

The Estonian head of state will have meetings in New York with the UN secretary general and the presidents of Macedonia, Slovakia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. He will meet with philantropist George Soros and take part in a meeting of Baltic heads of state.

In his address to the General Assembly, the president will speak about climate change, the need for international cooperation in ensuring cyber security, and crisis management, spokespeople for Ilves said.

The president will also take part in a confernce on climate change organized by the UN, which he will address on behalf of the EU at the request of the Portuguese presidency.

Ilves will also make a visit to Columbia University to meet with students and teachers and read a lecture.

Ilves holds a BA from Columbia University (1976)

The president will return to Europe on Sept. 27. On the same day he will be in Goteborg, Sweden, where a book fair will take place with Estonia in the central role.

The president will return to Estonia on the evening of Sept. 28.