
Flash Mob Activity at Tammsaare Park

Today the Belarusian support group in Estonia organized a flash mob at Tammsaare park in Tallinn. About 20 people assembled for 15 minutes, reading newspapers with the message "Innocent activity? In Belarus you would be imprisoned for something like that" attached to the papers. The flash mob criticized lack of media freedom, as well as freedom of speech at Belarus.

Krister Paris, member of the Belarusian support group in Estonia, pointed out that as clashes of protesters and riot police in Russia over the weekend received huge media coverage, whereas similar arrests and brutal police responses take place every day in Belarus. "What most people do not know is that in Belarus the slightest disapproval of the regime, e.g. reading an opposition newspaper, may get you arrested and beaten up at the police station,” Paris explained the idea behind reading newspapers in silence at the mob.

The Belarusian support group in Estonia was established by Estonian NGOs in cooperation with Estonians who observed Belarusian presidential elections in 2006. With the support from Open Estonia Foundation, the support group organizes the celebration of Day of Solidarity on the 16th day of every month. On that day, it has become a tradition to switch off the light and light candles for 15 minutes. This is done in remembrance of Belarusian politicians who have vanished or suffered from repressions. People in many parts of the world take part in this protest.

Additional information:

Kelly Grossthal
Open Estonia Foundation
Phone: 631 3791
GSM: 533 12300

Maari Ross
Open Estonia Foundation
Phone: 631 3791
Fax: 631 3796