
Harvard Professor Robert Putnam to Address the Open Society Forum in Estonia

Tallinn, May 23, 2006 - The keynote speaker of the 11th Open Society Forum “Social Capital in a World in Flux”is renowned Harvard University professor Robert D. Putnam. The forum is organized by the Open Estonia Foundation and discussions will concentrate on the topics related to social capital.

“Social capital is an increasingly important topic of discussion and subject of academic study in post-transitional Estonia, where we are witnessing many signs of decline in social capital”, said the executive director of the Open Estonia Foundation, Mall Hellam. “We are privileged to host such an eminent thinker, particularly as many of the ideas and concepts that Professor Putnam describes are also very valid in Estonia,” added Hellam. Professor Putnam will discuss his ideas with Rein Raud, rector of the Tallinn University, Professor Mikko Lagerspetz, and Aet Annist, from University College London.

Robert Putnam is a leading researcher of social capital and the author of influential books such as Better Together: Restoring the American Community, Democracies in Flux: The Evolution of Social Capital in Contemporary Society, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community and Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy.

In 1996 the Board of Directors of the Open Estonia Foundation established the tradition of Open Society Forums to discuss questions that affect the Estonian society but are global in essence. The forums have focused on issues like values of open societies, tolerance and trust, public policy and civil society, globalization, etc. Speakers of the forum have included Russian human rights advocate Sergei Kovaljov, Finnish writer and politician Prof. Guy Peters, author of the Lugano Report Susan George, and Jeremy Rifkin, best-selling author of The End of Work, The Biotech Century, The Age of Access, and The Hydrogen Economy.

The Open Estonia Foundation (OEF) is a non-governmental not-for-profit foundation that was established in 1990 with the support of the Hungarian-born American philanthropist George Soros. Our programs are driven by a vision of democracy, civil society, social responsibility, and equal opportunities in the democratic decision making process. Up to date, the grants provided and projects initiated by the OEF exceed 400 m Estonian kroons. Our focus is on building a stronger Europe, strengthening of the civil society, and sharing experiences of transition as well as reinforcing principles of participatory democracy and equality.

Please send requests for longer interviews and media registration to Liisa Past ( ).

Additional information:
Professor Putnam:  
Agenda of the 11th Open Society Forum

Mall Hellam
Executive Director
Open Estonia Foundation
+ 372 6313791  

Liisa Past
Media Director
Open Estonia Foundation
+ 372 6313791