
Invitation to Human Rights Seminar

You are kindly asked to participate on Black Nights Film Festival and Open Estonia Foundation seminar on human rights „Ordinary Hell“in Kumu auditorium on 7th December from 13.00-17.00

13.00 – 15.30

Shawkat Amin Korki is a Kurdish director, who fled from Iraq to Iran and talks about life without one’s own state.
Moataz el Fegiery (Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies) speaks about “The Death Fields” of Darfur and possibilities of resolving the conflict.
Myo Thein, a Burmese former political prisoner and Mark Farmaner (Burma Campaign UK) talk about military junta dictatorship and recent crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators.

15.45 – 16.30

Leelo Maarja Umbsaar (Mainland China Research Institute PhD studies, National Sun Yat-sen University) speaks about the situation in China, which is preparing for the Olympic Games.

Come and see. Let’s discuss why the world condones such atrocities.

For registering, please visit Open Estonia Foundation