
Kohalike Omavalitsuste Instituudi ( Budapest) Teataja - Lgi Announce, 30 September 2003


September 29, 2003

Editor's Corner

Submissions for upcoming announces should be sent to Rachel Ambrose,










1. New Developments in Anti-money Laundering Measures, 25-26 November

2003, Riga, Latvia

2. Roundtable on 'Minorities in democracy', organised in cooperation

with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 10 December 2003, Tetevo,


3. Seminar on 'Roma media in Southeast Europe,' 20-22 November 2003,

Vienna, Austria

4. 'Enjoying democracy - Creative ways of dealing with racism, right-

wing extremism, xenophobia and violence', organised by Landeszentrale

fur politische Bildung NRW, 13-15 October 2003, Germany

5. International Conference on "Local authority policies for crime

prevention in Europe" Council of Europe, Prague, 13-15 November 2003


New Developments in Anti-money Laundering Measures, 25-26 November

2003, Riga

The conference will be held at the Radisson SAS Daugava Hotel in

Riga. Don't miss this important opportunity to discuss with your

counterparts in different countries how to deal with the everyday

issues and problems currently facing you as members of the anti-money

laundering community. Speakers from seven financial institutions.

Further information from International Professional Conferences: tel:

(+44) (0) 1923 431690; email:; web site:


Roundtable on 'Minorities in democracy', organised in cooperation

with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. 10 December 2003, Tetevo,


For more information, please contact the European Center for Minority

Issues (ECMI), Kompagnietor Building, Schiffbrucke 12, D-24939

Flensburg, tel: +49 461 14 14 90, fax: +49 461 14 14 919, e-mail:


Seminar on 'Roma media in Southeast Europe' 20-22 November 2003,

Vienna, Austria

For more information, please contact SEEMO - IPI, Spiegelgasse 2/29,

A-1010 Vienna, tel: +431 513 39 40, fax: +431 512 90 15, e-mail:


4. 'Enjoying democracy - Creative ways of dealing with racism, right-

wing extremism, xenophobia and violence', organised by Landeszentrale

fur poltische Bildung NRW, 13-15 October 2003, Germany

For more information, please contact: Landeszentrale fur poltische

Bildung NRW, Neanderstrasse 6, D-40233 Dusseldorf, tel: +49 211 67 97

722, fax: +49 211 67 97 733, e-mail:,


5. International Conference on "Local authority policies for crime

prevention in Europe"

Prague, 13-15 November 2003

The Conference is the latest in a series of international Conferences

of the CLRAE on the theme of crime prevention in Europe, organised

over the last six years. The Conference will also provide a platform

for a discussion on the contents and distribution of the Council of

Europe's Manual on Urban Crime Prevention, which brought together the

results of earlier CLRAE Conference on the subject. Web site:





CERGE-EI holds workshop for RRC researchers

GDN's partner in Eastern and Central Europe, Center for Economic

Research and Graduate Education-Economics Institute (CERGE-EI) held a

series of workshops during August 5–11, 2003 in Prague, Czech

Republic. Organized in cooperation with the Think Tank Partnership

Program, the workshops on the Art of Successful Grant Proposal

Writing and Issues of Data Analysis in Transition Economies offered

special training to GDN's grantees. The subsequent workshop for

researchers funded through GDN's Regional Research Competitions

featured presentations of mid-term reports by more than 30 grantees.

Their research was discussed by peers and reviewers. In addition,

thanks to the World Bank's Education Research Initiative, the

workshop included presentations of research on education. The

research workshop reflected CERGE-EI's and GDN's efforts in promoting

studies in all disciplines of social science, not only economics.

Natalia Dinello, Senior Political Scientist at the GDN Secretariat

contributed to the training sessions and participated as a reviewer

in the research workshop.



ECPR General Conference in Marburg

Check out the online paper room, where most (though not all of the

papers can be downloaded). Moreover the programme also indicates a

listing of papers in the LOGOPOL section (section 5). LOGOPOL has

organised an interesting section on Current developments in Local

Government and Politics.

Both the on line paper room and the program are available at the

Marburg conference web site:




3. 16th Seminar and ENTO Annual General Meeting on the theme "Tools

for Improving Local Public Services". Tallinn, Estonia, 17-19

September 2003

Organised by the European Network of Training Organisations for Local

and Regional Authorities (ENTO) in co-operation with the Congress of

Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE) and the Centre for

Development Programmes (EMI - ECO), this seminar was aimed to provide

a forum for an in-depth debate and exchange of information,

experiences and best practices on the subject. The role of training

was examined through a prism of fundamental changes affecting

professions, management and public administration.

The Seminar was targeted at directors of training centres, training

project managers, senior executive officers responsible for training

and local public services, decision-makers, local and regional

elected representatives, professionals - practitioners and academics

working in the area or with an interest in it. The Seminar was opened

to both ENTO members and non-member organisations. The seminar format

and organisation were placed a special emphasis on innovating working

methods, such as the open space method, information marketplace and

networking. Web site:


Conference on 'Foreigners' integration and participation in public

life in European cities,' and Adoption of the 'Stuttgart Declaration'

on better integration of migrants, Congress of Local and Regional

Authorities of Europe, Council of Europe, 15-16 September 2003,

Stuttgart, Germany

At the end of the Stuttgart Congress on 'Foreigners' integration and

participation in European cities', 400 mayors and integration

officials from 30 European countries have today adopted

the 'Stuttgart Declaration'. This lays down principles for a

successful pan-European policy on the integration of migrants in


Among the main points made are that, in application of the Council of

Europe Convention of 1992, the right to vote in local elections

should be granted to all immigrants lawfully present, that migrants

should participate in cultural, social, political and economic life

and that the setting up of local consultative bodies for foreigners

is a good way of improving local democracy.

Final Declaration:

Special File:




1. Second International Symposium: Ideologies, Values and Political

Behaviors in Central and Eastern Europe

28-29 November 2003, Timisoara, Romania

2. The Youth Peace Group Danube: Call for Information

Vukovar, Croatia

3. CfA: Round Tables on Cultural Policy Issues

9 October 2003, Bulgaria

4. Knowledge Management in Electronic Government (KMGov2004),

Deadline: October 15, 2003!

17-19 May 2004, Krems, Austria

5. Eleventh World Congress of Social Economics- Call for papers-

Social Economics: A Paradigm for a Global Society June 8-11, 2004,

Albertville, France

Application deadline: 1 November 1 2003


1. Second International Symposium: Ideologies, Values and Political

Behaviors in Central and Eastern Europe: Call for Papers, 28-29

November 2003, Timisoara

We, at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Philosophy and

Communication of the West University of Timisoara, are honoured to

invite you to participate in the International Symposium: Ideologies,

Values and Political Behaviours in Central and Eastern Europe, 2nd

edition. The event will take place on Friday 28 November and Saturday

29 November 2003 in Timisoara and the topics on which we would like

to have your contributions are:

· Political Ideas in Central and Eastern Europe

· Political Parties and Electoral Behaviours

· Human Rights

· New Political Actors

· Challenges of Globalisation. Central and Eastern European


We regret that our institution is not able to cover expenses for

travelling and accommodation. However, in case of exceptional needs,

we might assist with partial support. Please contact us if you would

like your proposal to be taken into consideration.

Please confirm your participation as well as the topic area on which

you would like to contribute (including a maximum A4 abstract) by

10th November 2003. You are welcome to address any questions or

information requests related to the event to our contact person:

Assistant Professor Ionut Crudu, phone number and fax: ++4-0256



Yours sincerely,

Emanuel Ionut CRUDU

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Political Sciences and Philosophy

West University of Timisoara

B-dul Vasile Parvan 4, room 232

Timisoara, 1900, Romania

Tel. 00 40 56 295298

Tel., Fax. (40) (0) 56 295298


2. The Youth Peace Group Danube: Call for Information

Vukovar, Croatia

Dear Friends:

Our organization, The Youth Peace Group Danube, based in Vukovar,

Croatia, was registered in 1997 as a non-profit organization. We are

a non-governmental, humanitarian, youth organization with twenty

active members from the various ethnic groups that make up Vukovars

population. The mission of this group is to promote the development

of a civil and democratic society based on non-violent culture,

ethnic tolerance and respect of human rights. Through our activities,

which include a youth club;

local and international workcamps, organizing informal education

seminars, language courses and information campaigns on Aids

awareness, we are helping our beneficiaries ( children, youth, and

returnees ) to build up their self-esteem and self-confidence, so

they may participate in the much needed development of local society.

We are also encouraging interethnic dialogue.

Since 1996, we have been actively working on the reconciliation

process in the region.

However, we are currently supported by local, regional and

international organizations, and depend heavily on donations to

survive. Our aim is to become a self-financing organization. This is

necessary as many of our financers are withdrawing from the region

due to Croatia's possible forthcoming inclusion into the EU.

We have several business ideas, which include the conversion of

disused space into a youth hostel, and also to develop a venue in

which we can organize concerts and events which will potentially

bring us a substantial revenue.

If you have any information on organizations that are providing

support to NGOs in their transition from being predominantly

dependent to an autonomous, independent and self-financing

organization, it would be greatly appreciated.

I hope to hear from you soon,

Yours Sincerely,

Oliver White



32 000 VUKOVAR,


TEL/FAX +385 (0)32 414 633




3. CfA: Round Tables on Cultural Policy Issues, 9 October 2003,


Dear colleagues,

I have the pleasure to inform that Technology Park Culture organizes

a block of Regional Round Tables on the problems of culture at local

and regional level in Bulgaria. The regional round tables are as


a.. the city of Svishtov, 24.09.2003

b.. the city of Plovdiv, 26-27.09.2003

c.. the city of Varna, 4-5.10.2003

And National Discussion "The Challenges in Front of Regional Cultural

Policies: The Rights of Access to Culture", which will take place on

17-18.10.2003, in the city of Svishtov.

The topic "Rights of Access to Culture" was chosen as it allows to

oversee the cultural problems with the viewpoint of taxpayers - the

consumers of culture. This approach is an important shift in the

debates on the real problems in the cultural field. "Can my child

attend the performing arts classes in the local cultural center or

she have to travel 100 km to the nearest big city?", "What has

happened with the theater, the gallery, the library in our city and

why they do not work properly as they did before?" - These are the

citizens' questions in regard to access to culture.

Network of 4 leading Universities organizes the discussions (Varna

Free University, Plovdiv University, Sofia University and Academy of

Economics - Svishtov) in cooperation with the National Civil Forum

for Culture, the Foundation of Local Government Reform and The Red

House Centre for Culture & Debate. The project is supported by the

European Cultural Foundation and the Swiss Cultural Program in


The block of Round Tables has a predominantly practical aim -

establishment of local coalitions and advocacy (at the level of

central authorities) on issues concerning development of political

strategy for resolution of cultural problems at the local and

regional level.

The whole range of stakeholders are invited to participate in the

discussions - the representatives of central and local authorities

(incl. majors and nominees for majors in the forthcoming local

elections), cultural managers, NGO's figures, economists, legal

experts, ethnologists, cultural researchers as well as journalists

and representatives of business circles, the representatives of

central and local public authorities (the Ministry of Culture, the

Ministry of Finance, Parliamentary Committees, regional governors,

etc.), the representatives of political parties and other concerned

will also attend at the National Discussion.

For additional information, please, contact Ms. Nelly Stoeva -

coordinator of Technology Park Culture-2 project: tel. ++359-02-

524644, e-mail:, and the organizers of

Regional Round Tables: Mr. Stefan Simeonov, city of Svishtov: tel.

++359-887-799052, e-mail:; Mr. Stoyan

Antonov - city of Plovdiv: tel. ++359-32-626339, e-mail:; Mr. Lyubomir Koutin - city of Varna: tel. ++359-

889-818905, e-mail:

With kind regards,

Associate Professor Lyben Popov, Ph.D.

Head of TPC-2 Project

Location: Various Locations in Bulgaria

Deadline: ASAP


Knowledge Management in Electronic Government (KMGov2004), Deadline:

October 15, 2003, 17-19 May 2004, Krems, Austria

KMGov2004 to be held in Krems, Austria, May 17 – 19, 2004 calls for

innovative contributions which address theoretical, methodological or

practical aspects of knowledge and knowledge management in e-

Government and e-Democracy.

For more information:


5. Eleventh World Congress of Social Economics- Call for papers-

Social Economics: A Paradigm for a Global Society June 8-11, 2004,

Albertville, France

Application deadline: 1 November 2003



Social economists think about economic affairs in ways substantially

different than mainstream economists. Social

economists view the economy as a social, cultural, and political

institution. Social economics questions the traditional assumptions

of homo economicus, rational economic man, and recognizes the

interconnectedness of people's life and work- both paid and unpaid.

Proposals for the World Congress may include: (1) individual or co-

authored papers; (2) entire sessions of 4 papers; (3) roundtables of

4-5 persons on a particular topic; and (4) pedagogical sessions on

teaching in the social economics tradition. There will be no formal

discussant assigned to papers/ sessions. Instead, we encourage

participation and discussion among the panellists and participants.

We encourage historical, theoretical, empirical, and policy papers.

We are particularly interested in research that will help to develop

a social economics paradigm.

Topics for papers/sessions could include:

Economic justice- economic sociology- values & ethics in economics-

alternative development strategies- economic thought & methodology-

health & welfare- inequality, poverty, & discrimination- economics of

war & peace- gender, race-ethnicity, & class- supra-national

institutions & trading blocs- labour standards in a global economy-

EU social policy.

The Program Committee prefers to receive proposals by e-mail. In your

proposal, include: Author/ Panelist's name(s), postal address,

telephone, fax, e-mail address; Paper, Panel, or Session title; A 100

word (maximum) abstract of the Paper, Panel, or entire Session.

Please send these materials no later than November 1, 2003, to each

member of the Program Committee:

Betsy Jane Clary, College of Charleston, USA

Wilfred Dolfsma, Erasmus University, The Netherlands

Deborah M. Figart, Richard Stockton College, USA

Phillip A. O'Hara, Curtin University, Australia

Location: France

Deadline: Nov 1, 2003




1. Opening available at IREX for the position of Program Officer in

Washington, D.C.

2. Openings available at IDEA

3. The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC): Training for Young Environmental Leaders, 12 January-7

February 2004, Hungary and Italy

Application deadline: 1 November 2003

4. International Philanthropy Fellowship Deadline Extended

5. Balkan Trust for Democracy funds: Grant Opportunities

6. Management Systems International (MSI): Short term Consultants

needed for Anti-Corruption Program in Tomsk and Samara

7. The Network of East-West Women: Call for applications for the 2004

Legal Fellowship Program on Reproductive Rights and Sexual Health


1. Opening available at IREX for the position of Program Officer in

Washington, D.C.

IREX (the International Research & Exchanges Board) is the premier US

nonprofit organization specializing in higher education, independent

media, Internet development, and civil society programs in the United

States, Europe, Eurasia, the Near East, and Asia. IREX maintains more

than 20 overseas offices and manages programs that include academic

exchanges, Internet access and training, media reform, and

professional training.


IREX seeks a qualified professional to fill a Washington, DC position

of Program Officer to manage and support an Internet development

program that operates in Uzbekistan. The School Connectivity for

Uzbekistan program, funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural

Affairs of the US Department of State, seeks to use technology to

develop the skills of secondary school teachers to incorporate

critical thinking activities and student centered teaching

methodologies into classroom lessons. For more information about the

program, please visit website at:

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

Providing guidance to overseas staff on diverse programmatic issues,

supervising Washington, DC and overseas staff, developing tracking

mechanisms to evaluate the completion of program goals, generating

comprehensive reports for the program?€™s funder and other audiences,

developing strategies for program evaluation and long-term

sustainability, managing partnerships with other international and

local organizations, monitoring financial reporting, reviewing budget

summaries, and recommending programmatic adjustments in conjunction


overseas management staff


A Bachelor?€™s degree, a minimum of 2 years experience in the

management of an international assistance program, knowledge of

education methodologies and/or information technologies, excellent

interpersonal, organizational, and communication skills, skilled at

handling multiple tasks and adhering to deadlines,

experience with US government funders, previous supervisory

experience preferred, knowledge of Russian preferred

Submit cover letter and resume to: PTD/PO/TN 34-03,, or fax (202) 628-8189. EOE. NO PHONE CALLS

Location: Washington, DC


International IDEA Several Senior Positions


2. Openings available at IDEA

IDEA has recently embarked on a new development strategy and

programme of activity. To support its growing operations, IDEA

invites applications for the following positions based in Stockholm:

Principal Advisor for Democracy Analysis

Head of Planning and External Relations

Head of Policy & Operations for Political parties & Institutions

Democracy in the making

International IDEA, an intergovernmental organization with member

states in all continents, aims to support sustainable democracy world-

wide, working with both new and long-established democracies, helping

to develop the institutions and culture of democracy. At the

interface between research, field experience and the international

community, it provides a forum for dialogue and helps develop

practical tools to improve democratic processes. It is based in

Stockholm, with six field offices. It operates at international,

regional and national level, working in partnership with a range of

institutions. IDEA's current areas of interest include:

Electoral systems and management

Political parties, management and financing

Post-conflict democracy building and dialogue

Democracy assistance, analysis and assessment

Political participation, including women in politics

Please see IDEA web site for full details of all posts. Interested

candidates should complete an IDEA application form, attach a CV and

letter of motivation according to the instructions on the web site

and send to In case of problems, contact IDEA by

fax at +46-8-20 24 22. Applications should reach IDEA by 15 October


Web site:


3. The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC): Training for Young Environmental Leaders, 12 January-7

February 2004, Hungary and Italy

Application deadline: 1 November 2003



The Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC) in co-operation with the Italian NGO L'Umana DiMora organizes a

series of trainings for young environmental leaders, to be held in

Hungary and Italy in 2004.

The training sessions consist of three weeks of theoretical training

in a multicultural setting at the REC's head office in Szentendre,

Hungary, and a one-week study tour in Italy, focusing on management

skills, the latest environmental methods (e.g. information

technologies and market-based solutions) and the transfer of these

skills to peers.

Participants from different backgrounds throughout Central and

Eastern Europe are eligible for the program. They should be between

20 and 30 years old, show a strong commitment to the environment in

the CEE region, work in an environmental NGO, with citizenship of one

of the participating countries, and speak and write English well.

For the 2004 sessions, the REC invites participants from Albania,

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech

Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYRO Macedonia, Malta,

Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Serbia and Montenegro.

The REC will cover all costs related to travel, food, training fees

and accommodation for participants from the countries listed above.

Location: Hungary and Italy

Deadline: Nov 1, 2003





4. International Philanthropy Fellowship Deadline Extended

Dear Colleagues:

Earlier in the summer, The Center for the Study of Philanthropy

announced a unique fellowship opportunity: the spring 2004

International Fellows Program. We are informing you that the deadline

for submission of applications and all accompanying documents has

been extended from September 30 to October 15, 2003.

The International Fellows Program is for young scholar/practitioners

working in the NGO sector internationally. Please see attached

details about the application process for this program for emerging

leaders. If you have any

difficulty accessing the attached .html files, we would be happy to

send the information in an alternate format. Program information is

available on the Center's web site at under the

heading International Philanthropy .

We thank you in advance for sharing information on the program and

the extended October 15, 2003 deadline with your colleagues,

grantees, and fellow practitioners.

Center for the Study of Philanthropy

International Fellows Program 2004

The Program

The Center for the Study of Philanthropy's International Fellows

Program provides leadership training through applied research and

professional mentorships for young scholar-practitioners in the

nonprofit sector. The program is open to scholars and practitioners

from outside the United States to help build Third-Sector capacity in

the Fellows' home countries.

Fellows are based at The Graduate Center of The City University of

New York, where they design and pursue a research project and

participate in internships with foundations. Specific topical areas

are chosen each year.

The topics for the year 2004 will be community foundations and

diaspora philanthropy.

Fellows will participate in a 3-month seminar on the U.S. and

international voluntary sectors. The program begins on March 1, 2004.

Fellows are expected to produce a 30-50 page paper in English on

their findings, which will be presented in the seminar. They will

learn about the work of key agencies and meet with foundation and

nonprofit representatives. They will also attend selected conferences.

Each fellowship covers the cost of tuition and includes a $1,300 per

month stipend to cover living expenses. The Center will also provide

single-room dormitory accommodations with shared facilities at

International House (adjacent to Columbia University), as well as

round-trip air tickets for travel to and from the United States.

Please note: travel dates conform to the beginning and end of the


A limited number of unsubsidized tuition-based appointments may also

be made, pending approval by the selection committee. Tuition for

such appointments is $10,000, plus housing, travel, and personal

expenses. Tuition information is available upon request.

Special thanks to the following foundations for their support of the

2003 Fellows: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Environmental

Foundation of Jamaica, Himalaya Foundation, The Ford Foundation, and

The Atlantic Philanthropies USA.

Eligibility and Selection

The program is open to practitioners and researchers under the age of

36 who are citizens of countries other than the United States.

Applicants must hold a college or university degree and speak and

write English fluently. Preference will be given to candidates with

strong ties to a Third-Sector institution and demonstrated research


There is no application form. To apply, prospective candidates should

submit the following materials in English: a) a résumé or c.v.

identifying past and present employment, as well as educational

experience; b) a list of publications, if applicable; c) a 2-3 page

research proposal indicating a research topic and the questions to be

addressed in the research; and d) a statement of what they hope to

accomplish during the program and how the fellowship would enhance

their career plans. Any overseas experience should also be described.

A cover sheet must accompany the proposal and include the following

information: name, address, telephone/fax number, e-mail address,

date of bi


3. The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC): Training for Young Environmental Leaders, 12 January-7

February 2004, Hungary and Italy

Application deadline: 1 November 2003



The Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC) in co-operation with the Italian NGO L'Umana DiMora organizes a

series of trainings for young environmental leaders, to be held in

Hungary and Italy in 2004.

The training sessions consist of three weeks of theoretical training

in a multicultural setting at the REC's head office in Szentendre,

Hungary, and a one-week study tour in Italy, focusing on management

skills, the latest environmental methods (e.g. information

technologies and market-based solutions) and the transfer of these

skills to peers.

Participants from different backgrounds throughout Central and

Eastern Europe are eligible for the program. They should be between

20 and 30 years old, show a strong commitment to the environment in

the CEE region, work in an environmental NGO, with citizenship of one

of the participating countries, and speak and write English well.

For the 2004 sessions, the REC invites participants from Albania,

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech

Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYRO Macedonia, Malta,

Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Serbia and Montenegro.

The REC will cover all costs related to travel, food, training fees

and accommodation for participants from the countries listed above.

Location: Hungary and Italy

Deadline: Nov 1, 2003





4. International Philanthropy Fellowship Deadline Extended

Dear Colleagues:

Earlier in the summer, The Center for the Study of Philanthropy

announced a unique fellowship opportunity: the spring 2004

International Fellows Program. We are informing you that the deadline

for submission of applications and all accompanying documents has

been extended from September 30 to October 15, 2003.

The International Fellows Program is for young scholar/practitioners

working in the NGO sector internationally. Please see attached

details about the application process for this program for emerging

leaders. If you have any

difficulty accessing the attached .html files, we would be happy to

send the information in an alternate format. Program information is

available on the Center's web site at under the

heading International Philanthropy .

We thank you in advance for sharing information on the program and

the extended October 15, 2003 deadline with your colleagues,

grantees, and fellow practitioners.

Center for the Study of Philanthropy

International Fellows Program 2004

The Program

The Center for the Study of Philanthropy's International Fellows

Program provides leadership training through applied research and

professional mentorships for young scholar-practitioners in the

nonprofit sector. The program is open to scholars and practitioners

from outside the United States to help build Third-Sector capacity in

the Fellows' home countries.

Fellows are based at The Graduate Center of The City University of

New York, where they design and pursue a research project and

participate in internships with foundations. Specific topical areas

are chosen each year.

The topics for the year 2004 will be community foundations and

diaspora philanthropy.

Fellows will participate in a 3-month seminar on the U.S. and

international voluntary sectors. The program begins on March 1, 2004.

Fellows are expected to produce a 30-50 page paper in English on

their findings, which will be presented in the seminar. They will

learn about the work of key agencies and meet with foundation and

nonprofit representatives. They will also attend selected conferences.

Each fellowship covers the cost of tuition and includes a $1,300 per

month stipend to cover living expenses. The Center will also provide

single-room dormitory accommodations with shared facilities at

International House (adjacent to Columbia University), as well as

round-trip air tickets for travel to and from the United States.

Please note: travel dates conform to the beginning and end of the


A limited number of unsubsidized tuition-based appointments may also

be made, pending approval by the selection committee. Tuition for

such appointments is $10,000, plus housing, travel, and personal

expenses. Tuition information is available upon request.

Special thanks to the following foundations for their support of the

2003 Fellows: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Environmental

Foundation of Jamaica, Himalaya Foundation, The Ford Foundation, and

The Atlantic Philanthropies USA.

Eligibility and Selection

The program is open to practitioners and researchers under the age of

36 who are citizens of countries other than the United States.

Applicants must hold a college or university degree and speak and

write English fluently. Preference will be given to candidates with

strong ties to a Third-Sector institution and demonstrated research


There is no application form. To apply, prospective candidates should

submit the following materials in English: a) a résumé or c.v.

identifying past and present employment, as well as educational

experience; b) a list of publications, if applicable; c) a 2-3 page

research proposal indicating a research topic and the questions to be

addressed in the research; and d) a statement of what they hope to

accomplish during the program and how the fellowship would enhance

their career plans. Any overseas experience should also be described.

A cover sheet must accompany the proposal and include the following

information: name, address, telephone/fax number, e-mail address,

date of bi

International IDEA Several Senior Positions


2. Openings available at IDEA

IDEA has recently embarked on a new development strategy and

programme of activity. To support its growing operations, IDEA

invites applications for the following positions based in Stockholm:

Principal Advisor for Democracy Analysis

Head of Planning and External Relations

Head of Policy & Operations for Political parties & Institutions

Democracy in the making

International IDEA, an intergovernmental organization with member

states in all continents, aims to support sustainable democracy world-

wide, working with both new and long-established democracies, helping

to develop the institutions and culture of democracy. At the

interface between research, field experience and the international

community, it provides a forum for dialogue and helps develop

practical tools to improve democratic processes. It is based in

Stockholm, with six field offices. It operates at international,

regional and national level, working in partnership with a range of

institutions. IDEA's current areas of interest include:

Electoral systems and management

Political parties, management and financing

Post-conflict democracy building and dialogue

Democracy assistance, analysis and assessment

Political participation, including women in politics

Please see IDEA web site for full details of all posts. Interested

candidates should complete an IDEA application form, attach a CV and

letter of motivation according to the instructions on the web site

and send to In case of problems, contact IDEA by

fax at +46-8-20 24 22. Applications should reach IDEA by 15 October


Web site:


3. The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC): Training for Young Environmental Leaders, 12 January-7

February 2004, Hungary and Italy

Application deadline: 1 November 2003



The Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC) in co-operation with the Italian NGO L'Umana DiMora organizes a

series of trainings for young environmental leaders, to be held in

Hungary and Italy in 2004.

The training sessions consist of three weeks of theoretical training

in a multicultural setting at the REC's head office in Szentendre,

Hungary, and a one-week study tour in Italy, focusing on management

skills, the latest environmental methods (e.g. information

technologies and market-based solutions) and the transfer of these

skills to peers.

Participants from different backgrounds throughout Central and

Eastern Europe are eligible for the program. They should be between

20 and 30 years old, show a strong commitment to the environment in

the CEE region, work in an environmental NGO, with citizenship of one

of the participating countries, and speak and write English well.

For the 2004 sessions, the REC invites participants from Albania,

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech

Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYRO Macedonia, Malta,

Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Serbia and Montenegro.

The REC will cover all costs related to travel, food, training fees

and accommodation for participants from the countries listed above.

Location: Hungary and Italy

Deadline: Nov 1, 2003





4. International Philanthropy Fellowship Deadline Extended

Dear Colleagues:

Earlier in the summer, The Center for the Study of Philanthropy

announced a unique fellowship opportunity: the spring 2004

International Fellows Program. We are informing you that the deadline

for submission of applications and all accompanying documents has

been extended from September 30 to October 15, 2003.

The International Fellows Program is for young scholar/practitioners

working in the NGO sector internationally. Please see attached

details about the application process for this program for emerging

leaders. If you have any

difficulty accessing the attached .html files, we would be happy to

send the information in an alternate format. Program information is

available on the Center's web site at under the

heading International Philanthropy .

We thank you in advance for sharing information on the program and

the extended October 15, 2003 deadline with your colleagues,

grantees, and fellow practitioners.

Center for the Study of Philanthropy

International Fellows Program 2004

The Program

The Center for the Study of Philanthropy's International Fellows

Program provides leadership training through applied research and

professional mentorships for young scholar-practitioners in the

nonprofit sector. The program is open to scholars and practitioners

from outside the United States to help build Third-Sector capacity in

the Fellows' home countries.

Fellows are based at The Graduate Center of The City University of

New York, where they design and pursue a research project and

participate in internships with foundations. Specific topical areas

are chosen each year.

The topics for the year 2004 will be community foundations and

diaspora philanthropy.

Fellows will participate in a 3-month seminar on the U.S. and

international voluntary sectors. The program begins on March 1, 2004.

Fellows are expected to produce a 30-50 page paper in English on

their findings, which will be presented in the seminar. They will

learn about the work of key agencies and meet with foundation and

nonprofit representatives. They will also attend selected conferences.

Each fellowship covers the cost of tuition and includes a $1,300 per

month stipend to cover living expenses. The Center will also provide

single-room dormitory accommodations with shared facilities at

International House (adjacent to Columbia University), as well as

round-trip air tickets for travel to and from the United States.

Please note: travel dates conform to the beginning and end of the


A limited number of unsubsidized tuition-based appointments may also

be made, pending approval by the selection committee. Tuition for

such appointments is $10,000, plus housing, travel, and personal

expenses. Tuition information is available upon request.

Special thanks to the following foundations for their support of the

2003 Fellows: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Environmental

Foundation of Jamaica, Himalaya Foundation, The Ford Foundation, and

The Atlantic Philanthropies USA.

Eligibility and Selection

The program is open to practitioners and researchers under the age of

36 who are citizens of countries other than the United States.

Applicants must hold a college or university degree and speak and

write English fluently. Preference will be given to candidates with

strong ties to a Third-Sector institution and demonstrated research


There is no application form. To apply, prospective candidates should

submit the following materials in English: a) a résumé or c.v.

identifying past and present employment, as well as educational

experience; b) a list of publications, if applicable; c) a 2-3 page

research proposal indicating a research topic and the questions to be

addressed in the research; and d) a statement of what they hope to

accomplish during the program and how the fellowship would enhance

their career plans. Any overseas experience should also be described.

A cover sheet must accompany the proposal and include the following

information: name, address, telephone/fax number, e-mail address,

date of bi


3. The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC): Training for Young Environmental Leaders, 12 January-7

February 2004, Hungary and Italy

Application deadline: 1 November 2003



The Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC) in co-operation with the Italian NGO L'Umana DiMora organizes a

series of trainings for young environmental leaders, to be held in

Hungary and Italy in 2004.

The training sessions consist of three weeks of theoretical training

in a multicultural setting at the REC's head office in Szentendre,

Hungary, and a one-week study tour in Italy, focusing on management

skills, the latest environmental methods (e.g. information

technologies and market-based solutions) and the transfer of these

skills to peers.

Participants from different backgrounds throughout Central and

Eastern Europe are eligible for the program. They should be between

20 and 30 years old, show a strong commitment to the environment in

the CEE region, work in an environmental NGO, with citizenship of one

of the participating countries, and speak and write English well.

For the 2004 sessions, the REC invites participants from Albania,

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech

Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYRO Macedonia, Malta,

Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Serbia and Montenegro.

The REC will cover all costs related to travel, food, training fees

and accommodation for participants from the countries listed above.

Location: Hungary and Italy

Deadline: Nov 1, 2003





4. International Philanthropy Fellowship Deadline Extended

Dear Colleagues:

Earlier in the summer, The Center for the Study of Philanthropy

announced a unique fellowship opportunity: the spring 2004

International Fellows Program. We are informing you that the deadline

for submission of applications and all accompanying documents has

been extended from September 30 to October 15, 2003.

The International Fellows Program is for young scholar/practitioners

working in the NGO sector internationally. Please see attached

details about the application process for this program for emerging

leaders. If you have any

difficulty accessing the attached .html files, we would be happy to

send the information in an alternate format. Program information is

available on the Center's web site at under the

heading International Philanthropy .

We thank you in advance for sharing information on the program and

the extended October 15, 2003 deadline with your colleagues,

grantees, and fellow practitioners.

Center for the Study of Philanthropy

International Fellows Program 2004

The Program

The Center for the Study of Philanthropy's International Fellows

Program provides leadership training through applied research and

professional mentorships for young scholar-practitioners in the

nonprofit sector. The program is open to scholars and practitioners

from outside the United States to help build Third-Sector capacity in

the Fellows' home countries.

Fellows are based at The Graduate Center of The City University of

New York, where they design and pursue a research project and

participate in internships with foundations. Specific topical areas

are chosen each year.

The topics for the year 2004 will be community foundations and

diaspora philanthropy.

Fellows will participate in a 3-month seminar on the U.S. and

international voluntary sectors. The program begins on March 1, 2004.

Fellows are expected to produce a 30-50 page paper in English on

their findings, which will be presented in the seminar. They will

learn about the work of key agencies and meet with foundation and

nonprofit representatives. They will also attend selected conferences.

Each fellowship covers the cost of tuition and includes a $1,300 per

month stipend to cover living expenses. The Center will also provide

single-room dormitory accommodations with shared facilities at

International House (adjacent to Columbia University), as well as

round-trip air tickets for travel to and from the United States.

Please note: travel dates conform to the beginning and end of the


A limited number of unsubsidized tuition-based appointments may also

be made, pending approval by the selection committee. Tuition for

such appointments is $10,000, plus housing, travel, and personal

expenses. Tuition information is available upon request.

Special thanks to the following foundations for their support of the

2003 Fellows: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Environmental

Foundation of Jamaica, Himalaya Foundation, The Ford Foundation, and

The Atlantic Philanthropies USA.

Eligibility and Selection

The program is open to practitioners and researchers under the age of

36 who are citizens of countries other than the United States.

Applicants must hold a college or university degree and speak and

write English fluently. Preference will be given to candidates with

strong ties to a Third-Sector institution and demonstrated research


There is no application form. To apply, prospective candidates should

submit the following materials in English: a) a résumé or c.v.

identifying past and present employment, as well as educational

experience; b) a list of publications, if applicable; c) a 2-3 page

research proposal indicating a research topic and the questions to be

addressed in the research; and d) a statement of what they hope to

accomplish during the program and how the fellowship would enhance

their career plans. Any overseas experience should also be described.

A cover sheet must accompany the proposal and include the following

information: name, address, telephone/fax number, e-mail address,

date of bi




1. Opening available at IREX for the position of Program Officer in

Washington, D.C.

2. Openings available at IDEA

3. The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC): Training for Young Environmental Leaders, 12 January-7

February 2004, Hungary and Italy

Application deadline: 1 November 2003

4. International Philanthropy Fellowship Deadline Extended

5. Balkan Trust for Democracy funds: Grant Opportunities

6. Management Systems International (MSI): Short term Consultants

needed for Anti-Corruption Program in Tomsk and Samara

7. The Network of East-West Women: Call for applications for the 2004

Legal Fellowship Program on Reproductive Rights and Sexual Health


1. Opening available at IREX for the position of Program Officer in

Washington, D.C.

IREX (the International Research & Exchanges Board) is the premier US

nonprofit organization specializing in higher education, independent

media, Internet development, and civil society programs in the United

States, Europe, Eurasia, the Near East, and Asia. IREX maintains more

than 20 overseas offices and manages programs that include academic

exchanges, Internet access and training, media reform, and

professional training.


IREX seeks a qualified professional to fill a Washington, DC position

of Program Officer to manage and support an Internet development

program that operates in Uzbekistan. The School Connectivity for

Uzbekistan program, funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural

Affairs of the US Department of State, seeks to use technology to

develop the skills of secondary school teachers to incorporate

critical thinking activities and student centered teaching

methodologies into classroom lessons. For more information about the

program, please visit website at:

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

Providing guidance to overseas staff on diverse programmatic issues,

supervising Washington, DC and overseas staff, developing tracking

mechanisms to evaluate the completion of program goals, generating

comprehensive reports for the program?€™s funder and other audiences,

developing strategies for program evaluation and long-term

sustainability, managing partnerships with other international and

local organizations, monitoring financial reporting, reviewing budget

summaries, and recommending programmatic adjustments in conjunction


overseas management staff


A Bachelor?€™s degree, a minimum of 2 years experience in the

management of an international assistance program, knowledge of

education methodologies and/or information technologies, excellent

interpersonal, organizational, and communication skills, skilled at

handling multiple tasks and adhering to deadlines,

experience with US government funders, previous supervisory

experience preferred, knowledge of Russian preferred

Submit cover letter and resume to: PTD/PO/TN 34-03,, or fax (202) 628-8189. EOE. NO PHONE CALLS

Location: Washington, DC


International IDEA Several Senior Positions


2. Openings available at IDEA

IDEA has recently embarked on a new development strategy and

programme of activity. To support its growing operations, IDEA

invites applications for the following positions based in Stockholm:

Principal Advisor for Democracy Analysis

Head of Planning and External Relations

Head of Policy & Operations for Political parties & Institutions

Democracy in the making

International IDEA, an intergovernmental organization with member

states in all continents, aims to support sustainable democracy world-

wide, working with both new and long-established democracies, helping

to develop the institutions and culture of democracy. At the

interface between research, field experience and the international

community, it provides a forum for dialogue and helps develop

practical tools to improve democratic processes. It is based in

Stockholm, with six field offices. It operates at international,

regional and national level, working in partnership with a range of

institutions. IDEA's current areas of interest include:

Electoral systems and management

Political parties, management and financing

Post-conflict democracy building and dialogue

Democracy assistance, analysis and assessment

Political participation, including women in politics

Please see IDEA web site for full details of all posts. Interested

candidates should complete an IDEA application form, attach a CV and

letter of motivation according to the instructions on the web site

and send to In case of problems, contact IDEA by

fax at +46-8-20 24 22. Applications should reach IDEA by 15 October


Web site:


3. The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC): Training for Young Environmental Leaders, 12 January-7

February 2004, Hungary and Italy

Application deadline: 1 November 2003



The Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC) in co-operation with the Italian NGO L'Umana DiMora organizes a

series of trainings for young environmental leaders, to be held in

Hungary and Italy in 2004.

The training sessions consist of three weeks of theoretical training

in a multicultural setting at the REC's head office in Szentendre,

Hungary, and a one-week study tour in Italy, focusing on management

skills, the latest environmental methods (e.g. information

technologies and market-based solutions) and the transfer of these

skills to peers.

Participants from different backgrounds throughout Central and

Eastern Europe are eligible for the program. They should be between

20 and 30 years old, show a strong commitment to the environment in

the CEE region, work in an environmental NGO, with citizenship of one

of the participating countries, and speak and write English well.

For the 2004 sessions, the REC invites participants from Albania,

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech

Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYRO Macedonia, Malta,

Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Serbia and Montenegro.

The REC will cover all costs related to travel, food, training fees

and accommodation for participants from the countries listed above.

Location: Hungary and Italy

Deadline: Nov 1, 2003





4. International Philanthropy Fellowship Deadline Extended

Dear Colleagues:

Earlier in the summer, The Center for the Study of Philanthropy

announced a unique fellowship opportunity: the spring 2004

International Fellows Program. We are informing you that the deadline

for submission of applications and all accompanying documents has

been extended from September 30 to October 15, 2003.

The International Fellows Program is for young scholar/practitioners

working in the NGO sector internationally. Please see attached

details about the application process for this program for emerging

leaders. If you have any

difficulty accessing the attached .html files, we would be happy to

send the information in an alternate format. Program information is

available on the Center's web site at under the

heading International Philanthropy .

We thank you in advance for sharing information on the program and

the extended October 15, 2003 deadline with your colleagues,

grantees, and fellow practitioners.

Center for the Study of Philanthropy

International Fellows Program 2004

The Program

The Center for the Study of Philanthropy's International Fellows

Program provides leadership training through applied research and

professional mentorships for young scholar-practitioners in the

nonprofit sector. The program is open to scholars and practitioners

from outside the United States to help build Third-Sector capacity in

the Fellows' home countries.

Fellows are based at The Graduate Center of The City University of

New York, where they design and pursue a research project and

participate in internships with foundations. Specific topical areas

are chosen each year.

The topics for the year 2004 will be community foundations and

diaspora philanthropy.

Fellows will participate in a 3-month seminar on the U.S. and

international voluntary sectors. The program begins on March 1, 2004.

Fellows are expected to produce a 30-50 page paper in English on

their findings, which will be presented in the seminar. They will

learn about the work of key agencies and meet with foundation and

nonprofit representatives. They will also attend selected conferences.

Each fellowship covers the cost of tuition and includes a $1,300 per

month stipend to cover living expenses. The Center will also provide

single-room dormitory accommodations with shared facilities at

International House (adjacent to Columbia University), as well as

round-trip air tickets for travel to and from the United States.

Please note: travel dates conform to the beginning and end of the


A limited number of unsubsidized tuition-based appointments may also

be made, pending approval by the selection committee. Tuition for

such appointments is $10,000, plus housing, travel, and personal

expenses. Tuition information is available upon request.

Special thanks to the following foundations for their support of the

2003 Fellows: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Environmental

Foundation of Jamaica, Himalaya Foundation, The Ford Foundation, and

The Atlantic Philanthropies USA.

Eligibility and Selection

The program is open to practitioners and researchers under the age of

36 who are citizens of countries other than the United States.

Applicants must hold a college or university degree and speak and

write English fluently. Preference will be given to candidates with

strong ties to a Third-Sector institution and demonstrated research


There is no application form. To apply, prospective candidates should

submit the following materials in English: a) a résumé or c.v.

identifying past and present employment, as well as educational

experience; b) a list of publications, if applicable; c) a 2-3 page

research proposal indicating a research topic and the questions to be

addressed in the research; and d) a statement of what they hope to

accomplish during the program and how the fellowship would enhance

their career plans. Any overseas experience should also be described.

A cover sheet must accompany the proposal and include the following

information: name, address, telephone/fax number, e-mail address,

date of bi


3. The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC): Training for Young Environmental Leaders, 12 January-7

February 2004, Hungary and Italy

Application deadline: 1 November 2003



The Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC) in co-operation with the Italian NGO L'Umana DiMora organizes a

series of trainings for young environmental leaders, to be held in

Hungary and Italy in 2004.

The training sessions consist of three weeks of theoretical training

in a multicultural setting at the REC's head office in Szentendre,

Hungary, and a one-week study tour in Italy, focusing on management

skills, the latest environmental methods (e.g. information

technologies and market-based solutions) and the transfer of these

skills to peers.

Participants from different backgrounds throughout Central and

Eastern Europe are eligible for the program. They should be between

20 and 30 years old, show a strong commitment to the environment in

the CEE region, work in an environmental NGO, with citizenship of one

of the participating countries, and speak and write English well.

For the 2004 sessions, the REC invites participants from Albania,

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech

Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYRO Macedonia, Malta,

Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Serbia and Montenegro.

The REC will cover all costs related to travel, food, training fees

and accommodation for participants from the countries listed above.

Location: Hungary and Italy

Deadline: Nov 1, 2003





4. International Philanthropy Fellowship Deadline Extended

Dear Colleagues:

Earlier in the summer, The Center for the Study of Philanthropy

announced a unique fellowship opportunity: the spring 2004

International Fellows Program. We are informing you that the deadline

for submission of applications and all accompanying documents has

been extended from September 30 to October 15, 2003.

The International Fellows Program is for young scholar/practitioners

working in the NGO sector internationally. Please see attached

details about the application process for this program for emerging

leaders. If you have any

difficulty accessing the attached .html files, we would be happy to

send the information in an alternate format. Program information is

available on the Center's web site at under the

heading International Philanthropy .

We thank you in advance for sharing information on the program and

the extended October 15, 2003 deadline with your colleagues,

grantees, and fellow practitioners.

Center for the Study of Philanthropy

International Fellows Program 2004

The Program

The Center for the Study of Philanthropy's International Fellows

Program provides leadership training through applied research and

professional mentorships for young scholar-practitioners in the

nonprofit sector. The program is open to scholars and practitioners

from outside the United States to help build Third-Sector capacity in

the Fellows' home countries.

Fellows are based at The Graduate Center of The City University of

New York, where they design and pursue a research project and

participate in internships with foundations. Specific topical areas

are chosen each year.

The topics for the year 2004 will be community foundations and

diaspora philanthropy.

Fellows will participate in a 3-month seminar on the U.S. and

international voluntary sectors. The program begins on March 1, 2004.

Fellows are expected to produce a 30-50 page paper in English on

their findings, which will be presented in the seminar. They will

learn about the work of key agencies and meet with foundation and

nonprofit representatives. They will also attend selected conferences.

Each fellowship covers the cost of tuition and includes a $1,300 per

month stipend to cover living expenses. The Center will also provide

single-room dormitory accommodations with shared facilities at

International House (adjacent to Columbia University), as well as

round-trip air tickets for travel to and from the United States.

Please note: travel dates conform to the beginning and end of the


A limited number of unsubsidized tuition-based appointments may also

be made, pending approval by the selection committee. Tuition for

such appointments is $10,000, plus housing, travel, and personal

expenses. Tuition information is available upon request.

Special thanks to the following foundations for their support of the

2003 Fellows: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Environmental

Foundation of Jamaica, Himalaya Foundation, The Ford Foundation, and

The Atlantic Philanthropies USA.

Eligibility and Selection

The program is open to practitioners and researchers under the age of

36 who are citizens of countries other than the United States.

Applicants must hold a college or university degree and speak and

write English fluently. Preference will be given to candidates with

strong ties to a Third-Sector institution and demonstrated research


There is no application form. To apply, prospective candidates should

submit the following materials in English: a) a résumé or c.v.

identifying past and present employment, as well as educational

experience; b) a list of publications, if applicable; c) a 2-3 page

research proposal indicating a research topic and the questions to be

addressed in the research; and d) a statement of what they hope to

accomplish during the program and how the fellowship would enhance

their career plans. Any overseas experience should also be described.

A cover sheet must accompany the proposal and include the following

information: name, address, telephone/fax number, e-mail address,

date of bi

International IDEA Several Senior Positions


2. Openings available at IDEA

IDEA has recently embarked on a new development strategy and

programme of activity. To support its growing operations, IDEA

invites applications for the following positions based in Stockholm:

Principal Advisor for Democracy Analysis

Head of Planning and External Relations

Head of Policy & Operations for Political parties & Institutions

Democracy in the making

International IDEA, an intergovernmental organization with member

states in all continents, aims to support sustainable democracy world-

wide, working with both new and long-established democracies, helping

to develop the institutions and culture of democracy. At the

interface between research, field experience and the international

community, it provides a forum for dialogue and helps develop

practical tools to improve democratic processes. It is based in

Stockholm, with six field offices. It operates at international,

regional and national level, working in partnership with a range of

institutions. IDEA's current areas of interest include:

Electoral systems and management

Political parties, management and financing

Post-conflict democracy building and dialogue

Democracy assistance, analysis and assessment

Political participation, including women in politics

Please see IDEA web site for full details of all posts. Interested

candidates should complete an IDEA application form, attach a CV and

letter of motivation according to the instructions on the web site

and send to In case of problems, contact IDEA by

fax at +46-8-20 24 22. Applications should reach IDEA by 15 October


Web site:


3. The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC): Training for Young Environmental Leaders, 12 January-7

February 2004, Hungary and Italy

Application deadline: 1 November 2003



The Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC) in co-operation with the Italian NGO L'Umana DiMora organizes a

series of trainings for young environmental leaders, to be held in

Hungary and Italy in 2004.

The training sessions consist of three weeks of theoretical training

in a multicultural setting at the REC's head office in Szentendre,

Hungary, and a one-week study tour in Italy, focusing on management

skills, the latest environmental methods (e.g. information

technologies and market-based solutions) and the transfer of these

skills to peers.

Participants from different backgrounds throughout Central and

Eastern Europe are eligible for the program. They should be between

20 and 30 years old, show a strong commitment to the environment in

the CEE region, work in an environmental NGO, with citizenship of one

of the participating countries, and speak and write English well.

For the 2004 sessions, the REC invites participants from Albania,

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech

Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYRO Macedonia, Malta,

Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Serbia and Montenegro.

The REC will cover all costs related to travel, food, training fees

and accommodation for participants from the countries listed above.

Location: Hungary and Italy

Deadline: Nov 1, 2003





4. International Philanthropy Fellowship Deadline Extended

Dear Colleagues:

Earlier in the summer, The Center for the Study of Philanthropy

announced a unique fellowship opportunity: the spring 2004

International Fellows Program. We are informing you that the deadline

for submission of applications and all accompanying documents has

been extended from September 30 to October 15, 2003.

The International Fellows Program is for young scholar/practitioners

working in the NGO sector internationally. Please see attached

details about the application process for this program for emerging

leaders. If you have any

difficulty accessing the attached .html files, we would be happy to

send the information in an alternate format. Program information is

available on the Center's web site at under the

heading International Philanthropy .

We thank you in advance for sharing information on the program and

the extended October 15, 2003 deadline with your colleagues,

grantees, and fellow practitioners.

Center for the Study of Philanthropy

International Fellows Program 2004

The Program

The Center for the Study of Philanthropy's International Fellows

Program provides leadership training through applied research and

professional mentorships for young scholar-practitioners in the

nonprofit sector. The program is open to scholars and practitioners

from outside the United States to help build Third-Sector capacity in

the Fellows' home countries.

Fellows are based at The Graduate Center of The City University of

New York, where they design and pursue a research project and

participate in internships with foundations. Specific topical areas

are chosen each year.

The topics for the year 2004 will be community foundations and

diaspora philanthropy.

Fellows will participate in a 3-month seminar on the U.S. and

international voluntary sectors. The program begins on March 1, 2004.

Fellows are expected to produce a 30-50 page paper in English on

their findings, which will be presented in the seminar. They will

learn about the work of key agencies and meet with foundation and

nonprofit representatives. They will also attend selected conferences.

Each fellowship covers the cost of tuition and includes a $1,300 per

month stipend to cover living expenses. The Center will also provide

single-room dormitory accommodations with shared facilities at

International House (adjacent to Columbia University), as well as

round-trip air tickets for travel to and from the United States.

Please note: travel dates conform to the beginning and end of the


A limited number of unsubsidized tuition-based appointments may also

be made, pending approval by the selection committee. Tuition for

such appointments is $10,000, plus housing, travel, and personal

expenses. Tuition information is available upon request.

Special thanks to the following foundations for their support of the

2003 Fellows: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Environmental

Foundation of Jamaica, Himalaya Foundation, The Ford Foundation, and

The Atlantic Philanthropies USA.

Eligibility and Selection

The program is open to practitioners and researchers under the age of

36 who are citizens of countries other than the United States.

Applicants must hold a college or university degree and speak and

write English fluently. Preference will be given to candidates with

strong ties to a Third-Sector institution and demonstrated research


There is no application form. To apply, prospective candidates should

submit the following materials in English: a) a résumé or c.v.

identifying past and present employment, as well as educational

experience; b) a list of publications, if applicable; c) a 2-3 page

research proposal indicating a research topic and the questions to be

addressed in the research; and d) a statement of what they hope to

accomplish during the program and how the fellowship would enhance

their career plans. Any overseas experience should also be described.

A cover sheet must accompany the proposal and include the following

information: name, address, telephone/fax number, e-mail address,

date of bi


3. The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC): Training for Young Environmental Leaders, 12 January-7

February 2004, Hungary and Italy

Application deadline: 1 November 2003



The Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe

(REC) in co-operation with the Italian NGO L'Umana DiMora organizes a

series of trainings for young environmental leaders, to be held in

Hungary and Italy in 2004.

The training sessions consist of three weeks of theoretical training

in a multicultural setting at the REC's head office in Szentendre,

Hungary, and a one-week study tour in Italy, focusing on management

skills, the latest environmental methods (e.g. information

technologies and market-based solutions) and the transfer of these

skills to peers.

Participants from different backgrounds throughout Central and

Eastern Europe are eligible for the program. They should be between

20 and 30 years old, show a strong commitment to the environment in

the CEE region, work in an environmental NGO, with citizenship of one

of the participating countries, and speak and write English well.

For the 2004 sessions, the REC invites participants from Albania,

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech

Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYRO Macedonia, Malta,

Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Serbia and Montenegro.

The REC will cover all costs related to travel, food, training fees

and accommodation for participants from the countries listed above.

Location: Hungary and Italy

Deadline: Nov 1, 2003





4. International Philanthropy Fellowship Deadline Extended

Dear Colleagues:

Earlier in the summer, The Center for the Study of Philanthropy

announced a unique fellowship opportunity: the spring 2004

International Fellows Program. We are informing you that the deadline

for submission of applications and all accompanying documents has

been extended from September 30 to October 15, 2003.

The International Fellows Program is for young scholar/practitioners

working in the NGO sector internationally. Please see attached

details about the application process for this program for emerging

leaders. If you have any

difficulty accessing the attached .html files, we would be happy to

send the information in an alternate format. Program information is

available on the Center's web site at under the

heading International Philanthropy .

We thank you in advance for sharing information on the program and

the extended October 15, 2003 deadline with your colleagues,

grantees, and fellow practitioners.

Center for the Study of Philanthropy

International Fellows Program 2004

The Program

The Center for the Study of Philanthropy's International Fellows

Program provides leadership training through applied research and

professional mentorships for young scholar-practitioners in the

nonprofit sector. The program is open to scholars and practitioners

from outside the United States to help build Third-Sector capacity in

the Fellows' home countries.

Fellows are based at The Graduate Center of The City University of

New York, where they design and pursue a research project and

participate in internships with foundations. Specific topical areas

are chosen each year.

The topics for the year 2004 will be community foundations and

diaspora philanthropy.

Fellows will participate in a 3-month seminar on the U.S. and

international voluntary sectors. The program begins on March 1, 2004.

Fellows are expected to produce a 30-50 page paper in English on

their findings, which will be presented in the seminar. They will

learn about the work of key agencies and meet with foundation and

nonprofit representatives. They will also attend selected conferences.

Each fellowship covers the cost of tuition and includes a $1,300 per

month stipend to cover living expenses. The Center will also provide

single-room dormitory accommodations with shared facilities at

International House (adjacent to Columbia University), as well as

round-trip air tickets for travel to and from the United States.

Please note: travel dates conform to the beginning and end of the


A limited number of unsubsidized tuition-based appointments may also

be made, pending approval by the selection committee. Tuition for

such appointments is $10,000, plus housing, travel, and personal

expenses. Tuition information is available upon request.

Special thanks to the following foundations for their support of the

2003 Fellows: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Environmental

Foundation of Jamaica, Himalaya Foundation, The Ford Foundation, and

The Atlantic Philanthropies USA.

Eligibility and Selection

The program is open to practitioners and researchers under the age of

36 who are citizens of countries other than the United States.

Applicants must hold a college or university degree and speak and

write English fluently. Preference will be given to candidates with

strong ties to a Third-Sector institution and demonstrated research


There is no application form. To apply, prospective candidates should

submit the following materials in English: a) a résumé or c.v.

identifying past and present employment, as well as educational

experience; b) a list of publications, if applicable; c) a 2-3 page

research proposal indicating a research topic and the questions to be

addressed in the research; and d) a statement of what they hope to

accomplish during the program and how the fellowship would enhance

their career plans. Any overseas experience should also be described.

A cover sheet must accompany the proposal and include the following

information: name, address, telephone/fax number, e-mail address,

date of bi