
Launch of Fair Trade Campaign in Estonia

The 2nd week of May witnessed the launch of Fair Trade advocacy week, a joint initiative by the Estonian Green Movement and Pro Fair Trade Finland. The promotion of fair trade goods was achieved by a media campaign, screenings of documentaries, explanatory lectures, and promotion sessions at department stores. A special tram appeared in the streets of Tallinn, colored with Fair Trade advertisements.

The promotional campaign has already attracted a fair amount of interest from the media and general public. The general concept of introducing the goods was stating that fair trade products are as “good” as local Estonian products, the difference being that these goods are something that can not be grown in Estonia – coffee, tea, bananas, etc..

Estonia is the first of the 3 Baltic states where Fairtrade brand is launched and based on the experience here the brand will be introduced in other Baltic states. Fairtrade volunteers have been invited to exchange ideas for future at a seminar in Finland, this will take place in July.

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