
Lifeline: The Embattled NGO Assistance Fund

NGO consortium called „Lifeline: the Embattled NGO Assistance Fund“, led by Freedom House, has been established. Consortium is focused on direct support to civil society organizations in repressive environments.

Individual organizations or their members can apply for a small direct emergency support.  There should be small amount for advocacy work in the future, but the necessary details are still being worked out so the focus should be emergency assistance for now.

Please find attached a factsheet of the Fund support as well as an application document. As described, the applications need to be sent to a gmail account (, where they will be reviewed by a team of experts and addressed as soon as possible.

Civil society organizations (CSO), which are defined by the Lifeline Consortium as a group of two or more activists, are eligible for support that are under threat, attack, detention, persecution, or otherwise at immediate risk due to their work.  Factors to be considered include: when the emergency arose and whether the CSO faces prosecution or other legal proceedings, security risks, loss of property or equipment, or the injury or imprisonment of its staff.  

Please, find <media 878 - - "EI OLE MääRATUD, NGO Fund Fact Sheet 2011 ENGLISH, NGO_Fund_Fact_Sheet_2011_ENGLISH.pdf, 83 KB">Factsheet</media> and <media 879>Application Form</media> for Lifeline.

Feel free to help distribute it to your contacts so that word will spread to as many organizations, civil society groups and human rights defenders as possible.