
Light a candle to support democracy in Belarus

16 February 2006, Tallinn – Today candles will be lit to mark the monthly A Day of Solidarity with Belarus. Many Estonian politicians, community activists, and representatives of community organizations have also promised to show their support for democratic processes in Belarus.

“Candles are symbols of both mourning and hope,” said Andres Herkel, the Chairman of the Belarus Sub-Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council. “On the one hand, I will think of the victims when I light the candle. They include politicians, journalists, and other public figures. On the other hand, I believe that these candles will show the way to the future. We sympathize with Belarus, because the people there desire a place among the free peoples of Europe,” he said.

The Belarusian opposition is thankful to all those who share their views. “Those who light candles today will be the main force in the resistance to dictatorship tomorrow,” Irina Khalip, the Belarusian journalist has said. Since presidential elections will take place on March 19, in this country with a population of 10 million, the support for democratic forces is especially important. Despite threats, Milinkevicz, the candidate of the joint opposition, has gathered 256,652 signatures from Belarusian citizens.

A Day of Solidarity with Belarus is marked on the 16th of every month. On this day, Belarusians extinguish the lights in their homes for 15 minutes and light candles in their windows. In this way, the compatriots who have disappeared or perished during the Lukashenko regime are remembered and a stand is made for freedom. In addition to lighting candles, demonstrations will be organized. Estonians will also show their support for the aspirations for freedom of Belarusians by lighting a candle in their windows for 15 minutes at 8 pm.

The English-language website of the Day of Solidarity with Belarus is

Additional Information:
Mall Hellam
Executive Director
Open Estonia Foundation
+372 631 3791 

Kelly Grossthal
East-East Program
Open Estonia Foundation
+372 631 3791