
Open Estonia Foundation in January and February 2008 - Selected Highlights

Roundtable on Kosovo

A roundtable meeting on Kosovo was organized by Open Estonia Foundation to advocate for support to Kosovo. Speakers of the roundtable were Lia Hänni, former advisor to Kosovo Assembly, member of the Estonian BAPP advisory council and Aivo Orav, Director of Political Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A fresh documentary from Kosovo by Estonian National Television journalist Helle Tiikmaa was shown and she participated in the discussion as well.

The views of different EU countries regarding Kosovo were discussed and the question of EU’s joint foreign policy was debated. should take an active role in helping Kosovo on its way to democratic countries, was concluded. is supporting the European Union civilian mission in Kosovo by sending experts to the mission.

Gender Sensitivity from Kindergarden to University  Project Competition Launched

Ministry of Social Affairs and Open Estonia Foundation announced a new call for propsals titled Gender Sensitivity from Kindergarden to University with the aim  to increase awareness of stereotypical roles that boys and girls tend to assume already at school, roles which foster future stereotypical roles in real life.

2008 European Year of Intercultural Dialogue Opened

Opening event of the year was held at the European House in Tallinn was held successfully with a lively interactive discussion from participants.

Tensions in multicultural societies were discussed at the debate When Culture and Politics Clash, also respect towards other cultures versus freedom of speech. Panelists included Iivi Masso, European political analyst and writer based in Helsinki, Finland, David Vseviov, who is a professor at the Estonian Academy of Arts, and Andres Tamm, founder of the youth organization Koos/Vmeste – means “together” in Estonian and Russian – that seeks to bring to together Estonian and Russian youngsters and create more interaction between the different groups in society.

Open Estonia Foundation is the coordinator of the year’s activities in , grassroots and youth activities assume a key role throughout the year. More information: