
Open Society Institute (OSI) calls for proposals under the program “Sustainability of Human Rights and Accountability Watchdog NGOs in the European Union”

While several new EU member states have successfully made the leap from closed Communist societies to functioning market-oriented democracies, democratic culture and institutions remain weak and vulnerable to backsliding. The maintenance and advancement of democracy and open societies require constant monitoring and vigilance.


OSI awaits concept papers for program “Sustainability of Human Rights and Accountability Watchdog NGOs in the European Union.” The project aims to map the funding situation of watchdog NGOs amongst new EU members, also to conceive an elaborate development strategy in order to enhance funding for those NGOs.


Applicants should be NGOs or associations whose main activity involves monitoring and holding government responsible regarding free speech, human rights, transparency of governance, corruption etc.


Successful applicant:

  • Develops working and easily applicable research methodology
  • Conducts an enquiry and acquires overview of actual and possible funding sources for watchdog NGOs
  • Conceives an development strategy and corresponding advocacy materials targeting donor organisations, governments and NGOs themselves
  • Carries out successful awareness raising campaign

Before proposals are submitted, OSI would like to receive expressions of interest in the form of 3-5 page concept papers from interested organisations. The deadline is March 10, 2009.


Detailed information regarding the project is available in our Competitions section:

Siim Vatalin
Media Director
Open Estonia Fund
Tel. + 372 631 3791