
Paet: Estonia supports democratic forces in Belarus

Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Paet met Ivonka Survilla, the President of the Rada of the Belarusian Democratic Republic in exile on Thursday, 5 October.

Under discussion was the situation in Belarus and Estonia’s opportunities of supporting the democratic opposition in Belarus.

Survilla gave a thorough overview of the situation following presidential elections in Belarus and her activity as the President of the Rada of the Belarusian Democratic Republic in exile.

According to Minister of Foreign Affairs Paet, Estonia is pursuing a two-pronged policy with regard to Belarus: supporting democratic forces, and condemning the undemocratic actions of the authorities in Belarus. “We support in every way the Belarusian democratic forces, the opposition and the people of Belarus, giving them the opportunity to see democratic form of government in action,” said Paet. “A good example is the ten students from Belarus who are studying at Estonian universities,” he added.

Paet noted that Estonia has raised the topic of Belarus at EU meetings on a regular basis and will continue to do so. “We take active part in discussions on the European Union's Belarus policy,” said Paet.

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