
Protest for Freedom of thought in Belarus

On the 16-th day of every month a Day of Solidarity with all those repressed or persecuted in Belarus is commemorated. Today our solidarity is needed by Belarusian believers (mainly Catholics and Protestants).

Protestants face a risk of being arrested for actions absolutely normal for every believer (collective prayers and readings of the Bible), they are fined and their pastors are forcefully sent out from the country. Authorities take away churches from Catholics and turn them into hotels; they demolish Jewish synagogues and build parking spaces instead…
The Third Way community, New Way for Belarus organization and representatives of the Belarusian Diaspora in Estonia hold an action in Tallinn on Saturday, June 16, from 11 to 13 o’clock. We ask you to come and express solidarity with Belarusian believers and to take part in the action against the repressive law on religion in Belarus.
Your support is important and essential for every Belarusian Christian!

Contact information:
Pavel Morozov
Phone number: +372 580 09 188