
Round Table on Burma

Open Estonia Foundation and the Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation organized a round table to call for the general public in Estonia as well as the government to address the abuse of human rights in Burma. At the round table, the representative of the Burmese democratic opposition group, Nyo Ohn Myint, said that the attention of the European Union and Estonia to the situation in one of the poorest coutnries with extremely brutal governing regime is vital and highly appreciated.

The media manager of a London-based organization that fights for freedom and democracy in Burma, Mark Farmaner, compared the current situation in Burma to the Soviet regime, and said that Estonia in particular may comprehend what it means to live in a country with the majority of human rights abused, thus Estonia should make an effort to support restoring democracy in Burma. A similar message was passed on through her lawyer Jared Genser by the leader of National League for Democracy, Aung San Suu Kyi, the only Nobel Peace Prize winner that lives in house arrest.

With the help of Open Estonia Foundation, the Burmese delegation met the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Estonian parliament, and the Estonian Undersecretary of Political Affairs, Mr. Mart Laanemäe.

More information:
Kelly Grossthal
Open Estonia Foundation