
Six Young Belarusians to Continue Studies in Estonia

Press Release from the Open Estonia Foundation and the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research
16th of August 2006

Six university students who were dismissed from their institutions of higher education in Belarus because of ideological conflicts will begin their studies in Estonia this autumn. The program is intended to offer the opportunity of continuing their studies to people who were unable to finish their education in Belarus because of political reasons.

According to Margus Haidak, head of the Foreign Relations Department of the Ministry of Education and Research, this undertaking is aimed at strengthening the democratic forces in Belarus – similar assistance is also being provided by several other member states of the European Union. “The memory of the repressions in Estonia in the recent past allows us to understand and appreciate the situation in Belarus,” said Haidak.

The scholarships are funded by the Government of the Republic of Estonia and administered by the Ministry of Education and Research, the Minister for Population and Ethnic Affairs, the civic initiative-based Belarusian support group, and the Open Estonia Foundation.

“We can make such an effective contribution towards the development of democracy in a country that is one of our close neighbours because of good cooperation between the state and civil society organizations. Speedy decisions and collaboration on the questions of Belarus have shown that it is possible to agree upon mutual interests and priorities if need be,” said Mall Hellam, Executive Director of the Open Estonia Foundation. She emphasized that the partnership between the state and civil society in providing education to students from Belarus could be set as an example for implementing other decisions as well. The non-profit organizations often possess the necessary knowledge, experience, and contacts, said Hellam.

Belarusian students are offered one-year intensive Estonian language course and they have to meet the admission requirements of Estonian schools. The scholarships are paid throughout the students’ nominal period of study.

The Belarusian authorities flagrantly violate human rights and limit their citizens’ freedom of expression. The regime is closely monitoring youth activities and has expelled hundreds of students from universities on political grounds. Participating in a rally, meeting or the work of civil society organizations, or even turning off the lights in one’s dormitory room on the Day of Solidarity is grounds enough for the dismissal of a student.

The 16th day of every month is the Day of Solidarity with Belarus when people all over the world express their support to the democratic forces in Belarus. On this evening, lights are turned off for 15 minutes and candles are lit on the windows. This is a way of fighting for freedom and commemorating the Belarusians who have disappeared or died under Alexander Lukashenkas dictatorship.

The Open Estonia Foundation (OEF) has helped to raise awareness of the situation in Belarus and organized training and meetings with the representatives of Belarusian non-profit organization within the framework of the European Neighbors Program. The Foundation has participated in the organization of events to support democracy and helped to distribute informational material in Tallinn, Tartu, and Pärnu. In addition, the OEF has supported the sending of independent election observers to monitor the Belarusian presidential elections in March, which turned into a farce due to Lukashenka’s fear tactics and fraud. The Open Estonia Foundation, along with the Belarus support group that is comprised of representatives of non-profit organizations and election observers are partners of the state in helping Belarusian students who have been expelled for political reasons to continue their education in Estonia.

Margus Haidak
Head of Foreign Relations Department
Estonian Ministry of Education and Research
+ 372 735 0151
+ 372 505 6581  

Kelly Grossthal
Open Estonia Foundation/ Belarus Support Group
+ 372 53312300
+ 372 6313791  

Liisa Past
Media Director
Open Estonia Foundation
+ 372 6313791