
Yes Mr. Mrs. Minister!

Estonian Female Students Society and Center for Ethics at the University of Tartu are presenting a new book titled “Female Ministers of Estonia. Array of Women in Politics”. The presentation will take place on Friday, March 16 at 1 pm at Tallinna Matkamaja, Raekoja plats 18. The welcome address will be given by former ministers Aino Lepik von Wiren and Siiri Oviir, also Ene Ergma will speak shortly.

The main goal of the publication is to research the obstacles and prejudiscm that Estonian women have to conquer in order to succeed in politics. “As a minister, I was often referred to as “Mr. Minister”. I have come to believe that not because it was difficutl to identify my gender. Truth be told, I was once also referred to as “Mr. Mrs. Minister”,” reveals former Minister of Population Affairs Katrin Saksn in the compilation.

The book introduces all 15 female ministers that have served the Republic of Estonia. For comparison, 4 outstanding Nordic and Baltic politicians, such as the first female president in the world, Vigdis Finnbogadottir from Iceland, and the president of the Republic of Latvia, Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga have been interviewed.

Since 1990, Estonia has had 11 governments. There have been on average 2 female members in each government, which is approximately 14%. The number of female ministers peaked at five, or 36%, in 2002 - 2003. Prior to recent elections in March, Estonia held the 57th position in the world by its representation of women in parliament, after the elections the position changed to 33.

The book was published as part of the joint project “More Women to Politics” by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Open Estonia Foundation. The publication was compiled by Margit Sutrop, Kristi Lõuk and Toomas Kiho, and designed by Sirje Ratso. The will shortly be available at main bookstores in Estonia.

In Tartu, the presentation will take place on March, 27 at 4 pm at the Ülikooli kohvik (Ülikooli Street 20), welcome address will be given by the Mayor Laine Jänes. Professor Marju Lauristin will speak shortly, and Lilian Langsepp will play the harf.

Additional Information:

Selve Ringmaa
Open Estonia Foundation
Program Coordinator
Phone: +372 631 3791  

Kristi Lõuk
Project Manager
Center for Ethics, the University of Tartu
Phone: +372 737 5327