Our Work

Program and Timetable


The conference venue will be Swissôtel Tallinn. 

– 13.30  Registration and welcome coffee

13.30 – 13.45  Welcome message from Mrs. Mall Hellam, Executive Director of the Open Estonia Foundation

13.45 – 14.30 Keynote speech “Challenges of (dis)information war for liberal democratic regime and on possible counter-strategy”– by Andrei Illarionov, senior fellow at Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity

14.30 – 15.30 I Panel – The Art of Soft Power:  the current political situation and tensions between the West and Russia

Participants: Toomas Hendrik Ilves, president of the Republic of Estonia; Andrei Illarionov, senior fellow Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity; David J. Kramer, president of Freedom House

Moderator: Jo Andrews, Director of Ariadne – the European Human Rights Funders Network

15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break

16.00 –17.30   II Panel – 20 Years of Solitude: Bringing Together Two Parallel Realities of Estonia

Participants: Raul Rebane, media expert, member of the OEF Board; Viktoria Korpan, Police and Border Guard communications department, former Editor-in-Chief of the Russian language Postimees newspaper; Andres Kahar, spokesman for Estonian security police KAPO.

Moderator: Andres Jõesaar, Head of Estonian Public Broadcasting Media Studies department, member of the OEF Board

17.30 – 17.45 Conclusions, followed by reception at Swissôtel

Further questions:
Mari Roonemaa
+372 56454598
Skype: mari.roonemaa