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Invitation to submit materials on legitimacy, transparency and accountability (LTA) for new CIVICUS website
CIVICUS invites your organisation to submit relevant material on civil society Legitimacy, Transparency and Accountability (LTA) for a new global and interactive resource website on the topic. The LTA programme is a joint project of CIVICUS and The Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organisations at Harvard University. The objective of the LTA website is to create a global resource linking visitors to materials and tools developed in this project, to the work of our partners, and to other important resources and tools identified. The website is intended to be interactive, allowing CSOs to pick up tools, try them and have the opportunity to provide feedback on their applicability and provide space for continued debate on civil society’s LTA. CIVICUS looks forward to welcoming your organisation as participants on the LTA website.
For more information, see www.civicus.org/new/media/Invitationletter-submission-LTAwebsite.doc