
Rünnakud Valgevene kodanikeühiskonna vastu

Avatud Eesti Fond vahendab BBC artikli rünnakutest Valgevene kodanikuühiskonna vastu.

Civil society under attack in Belarus

The authorities in Belarus should immediately halt their attempts to close down the last remaining human rights organisation registered in the country, Human Rights Watch said. Last week the office of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, founded in 1995, was entered by bailiffs of the Minsk Economic Court, who seized office equipment from the Minsk-based human rights group. Human Rights Watch calls on the authorities to return the confiscated equipment immediately. "In its campaign to eradicate civil society, the Belarusian government has trumped up tax-evasion charges against the country's last registered human rights group," said Holly Cartner, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch.
For more information, see http://bbsnews.net/article.php/20061214193822962.